Print the winter edition of 2025 in English
Important note: Print the winter issue every year in English

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Obtaining a rank of 80.77 and indexing the Journal of Linguistics in the Copernicus International database in 2022
We would like to kindly inform you that the journal „زبان پژوهی (ISSN: 2008-8833, 2538-1989)” has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2022. Based on the verification of information on the functioning of the journal in 2022, the value of its parametric strength (ICV indicator) was calculated. ICV 2022 = 80.77 In the "My Journals" tab, a Detailed Evaluation Report is available, presenting ...

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Acceptance of research and promotional articles in English
Noteworthy, respected authors who write articles in the subject area of the Journal of Linguistics in English will receive research and review articles in English for the winter issue of 1402 under the permission of the "Specialized Working Group of Humanities of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology".more information 

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Annual Report of the Journal of Linguistics: 2021/03/01 to 2022/03/01
Annual Report of the Journal of Linguistics2021/03/01 to 2022/03/17 Submission Count 165 Accept Count 29 Reject Count 90 Reject Without Review 56 Average First Action 1 Average First Reviewer Assignment 14 Average First Revision 48 Average Review Date 16 Average Time to Accept 144 Average Time to Reject 26 Average Time to Reject Without Review 7 Average ...

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Concluding a memorandum of cooperation between the Journal of Linguistics and the Iranian Association of French Language and Literature
Al-Zahra University Linguistics Research Institute has established a memorandum of cooperation with the "Iranian Association of French Language and Literature" since August 2021 in the field of publishing scientific articles in the field of language teaching.

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Concluding a memorandum of cooperation between the Journal of Linguistics and the Iranian Linguistic Association
The Journal of Linguistics of Al-Zahra University has established a memorandum of cooperation with the "Iranian Linguistic Association" in the field of publishing scientific articles in the field of language teaching since August 2021

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Indexing of the Journal of Linguistics at the Copernicus International Database
The scientific journal of linguistics has been indexed in Copernicus International.

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Indexing the language research journal in the citation database MLA
The scientific journal of linguistics is indexed in the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation database.

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