Document Type : Research


1 Tehran University

2 Language department, medical school, Avesina University of medical sciences, Hamadan, Iran


"Dar" is one of the Persian spatial prepositions; its core/typical sense reveals a spatial-geometric relationship between a trajectory (TR) and landmark (LM). There are some other non-spatial senses which are associated with this lexical form, too. But, how does a spatial relation give rise to non-spatial senses? The main purpose of this paper is to show that non-spatial senses of "Dar" are emerged from the usage of its spatial sense in different contexts. In fact, functional consequences of the usage of its spatial sense are the common points between spatial and non-spatial senses of "Dar". To clarify the above idea, we gathered different usage of"Dar" s spatial sense and their related functional consequences. Then, we recognized bridging contexts which lead to departure of functional consequences from their creating contexts. Finally, we explained that the departed functional consequences turn to independent parameters which contain linguistic contents of "Dar"s non-spatial senses.
