Document Type : Research


Emam Khomini University


The Lebannese Magazin “Sher” (poetry) which holds a literary and critical course, has the intertextuality and textcentric attitudes in its modernist activities. The course restrains to refer to external texts (ideology, politics, society etc) when such attitudes are seen in the theoretical basics of the Russian Formalist movement. The Sher magazine, as Russian Formalism, was in Pursuit of bestowing an independent place to literature and literary studies. Such processes from the course links to a personal obligation from its side, which are the same depiction of Surrealism and the reproduction of realities within the  text exploiting the power of image. Since Surrealism in the form of the norm language was impossible, thus the course tends highly towards the metaphor. So the issue proves its other common point with Russian Formalism, and the distinction of this literary language form the conventional one. The main factor making the distinction is poetics produced through defamiliarization into the formal and structural layers. The poetics and defamiliarization are held in the other common cases of these two courses, and such cases categorize the proving and analyzing of the textcentric process in the Sher magazine within a theoretical framework.
