Document Type : Research


1 Farhangiyan university

2 Allame Taba Tabai University


The present research studies act disorders of two Persian Broca and one Motor-Transcortical aphasic patients’ performance in oral reproduction of Persian simple nouns (e.g. Ketab); syntactic compounds (e.g. Katarband); and root compounds (e.g. Ketabkhaneh) through confrontation naming and repetition tasks in order to determine their approach to produce these nouns. In this research, there is a significant difference between the errors in using simple and compound nouns and also between the type of errors and semantic and syntactic heads of compound nouns. One of the country, there is no significant correlation between the degree of errors and the grammatical categories constituent of root and syntactic compound nouns. Both groups processed simple nouns holistically. The compound nouns were processed both holistically and in the decomposition model in naming confrontation tasks while they were processed only in the decomposition model in repetition.
