Document Type : Research


1 Professor in linguistics and semiotics, Director of French language in Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Tarbiat Modares University


This has always been a question that what factors contribute in the formation and transmission of meaning and that how language can exceed its limited context to produce new and unexpected meaning. This is always a new question. The meaning cannot be perceived as a predetermined and fixed matter; because the formation of meaning is determined by a lively, active, open and flowing stream; therefore, whenever we speak about meaning, we should notice the process that forms meaning. In fact, meaning is realized through an interaction cycle, based on the position, and through a process in which various capabilities of speakers are actively employed. What is the nature of such a discourse competence and how can it be activated? This article intends to answer the above mentioned question. The purpose of this article, besides responding to the above question, addresses this important point that meaning is not just produced, but is perceived and interpreted. And based on the same perception and interpretation, actions and reactions of meaning in relationships and interactions with each other, lead to production of new and qualitative meaning.
