Document Type : Research


1 Azad University

2 Azad university


In a learning situation, different learners resort to different strategies that are based on their learning experiences in the past. This strategy variety is identified to stem from factors such as attitude, motivation, age, personality, academic degree, and gender. In the current research, we have studied the impact of gender on the type and frequency use of English vocabulary learning strategies by students of the fifth district of Islamic Azad University. For this purpose, we have distributed 300 questionnaires included fifty strategies (in six groups: memory, cognitive, restorative, synergistic learning, emotional, and social) between male and female students in the branches of Azad University in Arak, Khomein, Hamedan, Malayer, Boroujerd and Doroud, without considering the criteria other than gender distribution. We have analyzed 180 and 114 questionnaires of males and females, respectively and we have found no significant difference. Only five strategies out of fifty have shown a significant difference between two genders. Therefore, according to the results of this study, gender has not special impact on the Type and frequency of learning strategies. In addition, results demonstrate to educationalists the importance of a careful instruction of vocabulary learning strategies in English classes.
