Document Type : Research


1 Azad University

2 Alame Tabatabai University


Despite the importance of causative construction- that is part of universalities-and in spite of extensive investigations on causative constructions in other languages, studies about root, morphological and helping causatives in Azeri Turkish are only limited to traditional studies; and descriptions about adding of a single causative morpheme /-dir/ has been allocated to the stem of verbs like: / qaçdirmaq/ cause to run /yatdirmaq/ ‘cause to sleep’. In the present study, we will study the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic characteristics of lexical causative constructions (root, morphological and helping ones) on the base of role and reference grammar. The important results of this study are (a) the root, morphological, and helping casualties imply direct causation; (b) most of the verbs show accomplishment and achievement processes; (c) causative sentences have predicate focus in unmarked form, whereas in marked ones, they may have narrowed and sentence focused forms.
