Document Type : Research


Alzahra University


As listening is assumed as a passive skill or as it is difficult to study and conduct researches on this skill, the number of studies based on this skill are less than the studies done on the other skills. The primary purpose of this study was to find any possible difference between high and low proficient listeners and high and low motivated learner’s metacognitive awareness of listening strategies. The secondary purpose was to find the relationship between listening proficiency and motivation of the participants. The findings of this study indicated that high and low proficient listeners were significantly different in using the listening strategies, i.e., in 18 strategies out of a total of 21 strategies (high proficient listeners were significantly higher than low proficient ones in using 13 strategies, while low proficient listeners were significantly higher than high proficient listeners in using 5 (bad or negative) strategies). However high and low motivated learners did not show such a significant difference (high motivated learners were only significantly higher than low motivated ones in using 2 strategies). Finally, this study demonstrated that listening proficiency and motivation had a positive relation with each other, though not a strong one.
