Document Type : Research


Tarbiat Modares University


Living in the Global Village affected all aspect of our life with Information Technology and Communications in particular the educational aspects. Teaching and Learning of foreign language are one of the leading components in this transformation because of its multinational nature. As the IT based methods of teaching and learning of language (e-Learning) are newly developed, its capacities and qualities are not fully identified yet. Therefore a comprehensive research and study in various methods which are currently being used throughout the World Wide Web is a must and is considered as a fundamental study in this field. This research is not only helpful for foreign language teachers and students who want to know how to use e-Learning, but also with lightening the dark corners of this new learning interface, intends to modify and optimize this method in order to yield up the achievements of learning. The following questions bear in mind of a professional teacher when working with E-Learning: 1. What are the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of E-Learning, and in view of those characteristics, is it wise to consider E-Learning as an “Independent & complete tool” for teaching French language to Iranian students or it is only a “prop tool” which has to be applied in parallel with usual courses? 2. What are the Iranian student’s demands and requirements while learning French language through E-Learning? 3. Considering the results of evaluations of E-Learning methods and Iranian student’s requirements, which elements and characteristics should be considered for planning a French Language E-Learning website for Iranian students? This work is aiming to answer the above mentioned questions, in the meantime to recognize and remove as many difficulties as possible. 20 Iranian students have been observed and examined through a French Language E-Learning method during the practical study in order to put forward a fresh know-how of applying this new learning tool and help the expert to layout an Iranian version of this tool. The outcomes of this research can also help foreign language teachers to propose the content of the courses.
