Document Type : Research


1 Tehran University

2 Emam Khomini University


Evaluation is the relation between oral and practical translation. In this field talking about general and points are numerous. Even, for different model of evaluation, the mentioned standards for good translation, sometimes are generals. Therefore, everybody can ate his opinion. This problem is serious about translated texts of Arabic to Persian and vice versa which is weak in theories, to straggle this thesis is recognized subtle and to see little standards on the basis of Sciencenethod for evaluation translated text of Arabic to Persian. So far as possible translators with supporting this method defense himself and either evaluators suggestion on the basis of translated text to withdraw using tact. On the basis of suggested model in this theses could judgment science and subtle for translated text of Arabic to Persian and result of evaluation to advance with use of quality assessment replace of quantity assessment. In this model, evaluation is contain two factors “guidance & inter-text”. On the basis of it can evaluate translated text with draw interference tact and personal opinion.
