Document Type : Research


1 Instructor, University of Texas (Middle East Studies)

2 Department of Foreign Languages of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


The principal aim of the present research was to develop a reference for Persian language communicative functions that can be used in developing materials for Persian leaners learning Persian as a Foreign or second language. To this end, a comprehensive list of various forms and functions used in many social fields, in everyday use, was prepared. First, the titles of social fields and their related functions and forms were translated into Persian. This was then used as the basic data of the research. The data were given to two hundred students in Persian language and literature as well as in Translation and English literature used as the informants of the study. Having processed these forms step by step, the researcher found many other forms which were added to the initial list. This final product was a reference list including 76 macro-functions and 2484 language forms.
