Document Type : Research


Department of English Language Education, Shiraz University


The main purpose of this research is the evaluation and comparison of the quality of four Persian translations of the English novel The prince and the pauper, by Mark Twain, the famous American writer. Amongst various models for quality assessment of translation, Garces’ model (1994) has been chosen as the framework of this research. The model contains four different levels. These levels are semantic-lexical, syntactic-morphological, discursive-functional and stylistic-pragmatic. Each one of these levels has also sub-groups and special parts based on which translated texts have been measured and assessed. in the present study, four translation of three translators are assessed and the results which are presented in the form of diagrams show the frequency of each sub-part. By calculating the abundant quantities of four aforementioned levels and subgroups, determining the quantities of common areas in all translations (i.e., Addition, Conservation and Suppression), calculating the quantity of employed rhetorical figures in translated literary texts on the basis of three factors (i.e., Conservation, Suppression and Variation), and finally the quality of translations on the basis of two parameters of acceptability and adequacy with regard to positive and negative markers, the research came to the conclusion that the translations are classified as follows: A. Positive markers: 1.Translation of Mohammad Ghazi (1955) 2.Translation of Valiollah Ebrahimi (1969) 3.Translation of Mohammad Ghazi (1987) 4.Translation of Daryush Shahin and Sousan Ardakani (2007). B. Negative markers: 1. Translation of Daryush Shahin and Sousan Ardakani (2007) 2. Translation of Mohammad Ghazi (1987) 3. Translation of Mohammad Ghazi (1955) 4. Translation of Valiollah Ebrahimi (1969).
