
1 Master of Persian language teaching to non-Persian speakers from Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Associate Professor Tarbiat Modares University


  Presence and Absence of Verb in Iranian Newspaper Headlines: A Critical Discourse Analytic Study     F. Aghagolzade [1]   M. Kheirabadi [2]   Received: 2011.02.20   Accepted: 2012.02.26     Abstract   Generally the news stories of daily newspapers do have their own narrative style; they coherently explain an event within a framework of some sentences or a paragraph. Headlines, as utterances with special structural features, which do not necessarily provide the sentence structure and generally lack the coherence element have a prominent role in the process of news production and broadcasting. As all the syntactic relations in the level of a sentence are defined by the verb, the role of the verb in construction of a well-formed syntactic sentence is of great importance. However, it seems that in headlines the verb absence is more common than its presence. From a critical discourse analysis (CDA) perspective, absence of one element or change in the structure is a reason of ideological intentions. Considering the linguistic features of news discourse will pave the way to do research about the presence or absence of verbs in headlines and its relative discursive justifications. This is a descriptive-analytic study of selected headlines from prominent Iranian daily newspapers. Sampling of the data is conducted through a systematic accidental approach from three Persian language morning newspapers. This study showed that 65.15 percent of headlines lack a verb. This number is statistically meaningful and shows some discursive intentions.     Keywords: Critical discourse analysis (CDA), discursive structures, verb, news headline.   [1] . Professor; Tarbiyat Modarres University;   [2] . MA;Teaching Farsi to non-native speakers; Allameh Tabatabayi University;  
