

  A Case Study of a Korean Student’s   Persian Reading Process     B. Ghonsouli [1]   M. Fazaeli [2]   Received: 2011.03.14   Accepted: 2012.04.29     Abstract   In recent decades, research associated with the discovery of reading processes in first and second language learners through the think aloud method ​​ has increased. In the current study, a Korean student's verbal reports acquired in terms of the think aloud method are analyzed. The purpose of this research is to determine her reading model by strategies which she used to solve problems that were made in the text. This study has been concluded based on the stimulus verbal reports of Ericsson and Simon's model at level one. During an interaction of the student with the text, the student used higher-level processing and lower-level processing strategies in order to solve the problems that appeared in understanding the text. Her verbal reports represent the following: The higher-level processing strategies are in fields of metacognition, monitoring statement and inferencing respectively about frequency. About the lower-level processing strategies, the student has used decoding more. Therefore, it is concluded that her model of reading is both top-down and interactive. The results of this research can add to an understanding of the interaction of Persian-language learners with texts; as well as for identifying problematic domains in this part and the designing of more constructive teaching methods in teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers.     Keywords: reading, think aloud method, Persian language, verbal reports, comprehension strategies.       [1] . Professor; Department of English Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad;   [2] . PhD Candidate; General linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad;  
