Document Type : Research



In this paper we explain morphophonemic alternation of a verb - “take”- in Shahmirzadi, joining the inflectional or derivational affix such as  [bQ,nQ,vQ,hA].These alternations can be explained through synchronic and diachronic approaches. The theoretical framework chosen for the study is the rule-based linear model)SPE). Sixty five (65) Shahmirzadi verbs have been chosen and twenty five (25) male and female native speakers from Shahmirzad have been interviewed. The interviews have been fully transcribed leading to a corpus and finding phonological process for the mentioned verb. Alternations, specifying underlying representation, rule formulation, assessing the rules with phonological derivations and interaction of rules is the procedure. The study has resulted in the following contributions:  1-/ï/ Gliding1, Syncope /i/, /r/ Deletion, 2- [i] Insertion,  /ï/ Gliding2 and /r/ Deletion in which the first one is a synchronic and the second is a diachronic approach. Finally, we considered advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Shahmirzadi, with complicated phonological rules which are distinct from Persian, is a language.


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