Document Type : Research


Alzahra University, Department of Linguistics


So far various researches about "Rā" have been conducted. "Rā" as a constituent has high frequency in Persian language. Nevertheless, there are numerous analyses with different perspectives about its function and position. In this way pure formal, discourse-based and integrated (formal and discourse-based) studies leading to different conclusions have been conducted. Considering solely colloquial genre, this article attempts to analyze "Rā" in contemporary Persian language. Prior works have considered "Rā" as solely one constituent whereas restricting "Rā" to only one function would result in neglecting other functions of "Rā". Thus, in this article, various functions of "Rā" will be analyzed. It has been shown that "Rā" is not one constituent, but it is several constituents having various functions. Moreover, one of the findings of this article is that, unlike many linguists and grammarians' standpoints, "Rā" could not be considered as a definiteness marker. The reason underlying this issue is mapping of object on one of the definiteness markers, which in discourse-based condition of Persian, has generated this ambiguity. On the other hand, one of the functions of "Rā" as another finding of this article is telicity function of "Rā" morpheme in Persian language.


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