
Head of the Department of Linguistics, Payame Noor University


 One of the subfields of cognitive semantics is studies related to cognitive metaphors which are known as cognitive metaphor theory (CMT). In this study conceptualizations and organizations of life concepts in the language of Quran are explored. Through two questions: first, how have life concepts been organized in Quran language? And, how have Quranic values and their consistency influenced life conceptualizations and harmony. In the analysis of Quranic verses which deal with life, conceptualizations such as Journey, Play, House and Commodity have been presented and together they shape a variety of life facets from the Quranic perspectives. All aspects of a human being’s life is manifested through the “Journey” metaphor. However, amusement and commodity metaphors represent a worthless and unstable life. In Life is a Home metaphor, stability and value of life (after death) is highlighted. Moreover, it seems that the highlighted aspects of life in the Quranic language are significantly in coherence with Quran's divine culture.


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