
1 Professor and Faculty Member of the French Language Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

2 Ph.D. student of French Language Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


Eugene Ionesco was one of the most important Romanian French playwrights of the 1950s and a leading character of the “Avant-garde theatre”. Taking an opposing position against intellectualism in his age, he has always stood against authorities. What is seen vividly in all his plays is nothing but commitment and humanity. Ionesco has dedicated a significant part of his artistic life to understanding the challenges regarding Language and to indicate its weakness and inefficiencies. Language in his view due to relativism has lost its aspect and position, through daily progress and specializations of the sciences. Thus, for a majority of people, to make a relationship with progressive sciences has been somehow impossible. Ionesco poses this challenge as an important subject in his plays and applies his own methods and techniques to show the communicative problems among the people, for example, to omit the dialogues and to make use of clichés. Using these methods, Ionesco clears up a fundamental reality which is the silence and solitude of human beings in the world. Furthermore, he displays the most melancholic realities through the language of Satire.


- Corvin, Michel (1969). Le Théâtre Nouveauen France.Ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Esslin, Martin (1977). Théâtre de L’absurde. Ed. Paris: Buchet/Chaset.
- Gouhier, Henri (1980). "EugèneIonesco, Auteur Dramatique". In Colloque de Cerisy-Ionesco Situation et Perspectives. Ed. Paris: Pierre Belfond.
- Ionesco, Eugène (1954a). Jacques ou la Soumissions. Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- -------------------- (1954b). La Cantatrice Chauve. Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- -------------------- (1954c). Les Chaises. Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- -------------------- (1958a). Impromptu de l’Alma. Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- -------------------- (1958b). Tueur Sans Gages. Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- -------------------- (1959). Rinocéros. Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- -------------------- )1962(. Notes et Contre-Notes, Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- -------------------- (1963). Le Roi se Meurt. Ed. Paris: Gallimard.
- Laubreaux, Raymonde (1973). Les Critiques de Notre Temps et Ionesco. Ed. Paris: Garnier Frères.
- Ryngaert, Jean-Pierre (1993). Lire le Théâtre Contemporain. Ed. Paris: Dunod.
- Spengler, Oswald (1973). Le Théâtre du Nouveau Langage.Ed. Le Cercle du Livre de France. Canada: Ottawa.
- Vernois, Paul (1972). La Dynamique Théâtre d’Eugène Ionesco. Ed. Paris: Klincksieck.