
1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Foreign Languages, University of Tehran

2 Faculty of Foreign Languages and Foreign Languages, University of Tehran


  A Study of Cultural Oppositions in theFrench Translation of the Ta’aroff (Complimentary) Discourse of Mum’s Guest by HushangMoradiKermani     FaridehAlavi [1]     SoylZinali [2]     Received: 2010/10/27   Accepted: 2014/01/19     Abstract   The literature of every nation is the locus for various methods of expression. One such method utilized to create an appropriate transaction, befitting the addressee is Ta’aroff (Complimentary) discourse".Beyond the differences in type and manner of presentation of this kind of discourse in different languages, is the way it represents social, cultural and religious characteristics of nations. Consequently, preserving these features in translations form one language to another is one of the problems continuously encountered by translators. Many of the critics and theoreticians of the science of translation believe that the ability or inability to translate a literary text is closely related to the translator’s ability to convey trans-lingual factors, including cultural realities and beliefs of a nation. A Persian literary narrative which has finely delineated the utilization of complementary discourse within the framework of Iranian customs and ‌ traditions, is the story Mummy's Guest (Mehman-e maaman), by HoushangMoradiKermani, translated into French by Maribel Bahia in 2007. The manner of translating complimentary discourse considering the necessity to convey inherent cultural dimensions in the work, with specific stress on the theories of George Mounin , the impact of acknowledging trans-textual factors in the ability to translate a text, conveyance and cultural transactions ensuing from the translation of the text, the manner of the translators encounter with linguistic and meaning complexities of this kind of discourse, are among the problems evaluated and discussed in the present study.   Key words : translation, complimentary discourse, cultural contrast, HoushangMoradiKermani, Maribel Bahia           [1] Associate Professor, Tehran University, Tehran,Iran .     2 MA Persian Llitrature, Tehran University, Tehran,Iran .    
