
1 Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics, University of Isfahan

2 Faculty Member of Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan)


  The Phonological Process of Consonant-to-Consonant Assimilation in Persian: An Acoustic Exploration     BatoolAlinezhad [1]   AtefesadatMirsaeedi [2]   Received: 2010/10/27   Accepted: 2014/01/19       Abstract     The present article explores and analyzes the acoustic aspect of assimilation in Persian. To do so, the acoustic variables of intensity, duration, F1, F2, and F3 of the two phonemes on which assimilation is applied are explored. This research involves the analysis of acoustic properties of each phoneme in a non-assimilated phonetic context in initial, intervocalic, and final position and then these properties are compared with acoustic properties of the phonemes in an assimilated phonetic context. In this way, the acoustic variable of assimilated sound whose average value is between the acoustic properties of the two phonemes in assimilated and non-assimilated phonetic context cause the assimilation process. The results of this analysis show a kind of acoustic assimilation in the variables of intensity, duration, F1, F2, and F3 of the two phonemes in question.     Key words: consonant-to-consonant assimilation, intensity, duration, first formant, second formant, third formant, spectrogram             [1] Assistant Professor; Dept of Linguistics, Isfahan University,Iran.     [2] Faculty member, Faculty of foreign Languages, Khorasgan (Isfahan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.  
