
1 Professor of Linguistics, University of Isfahan

2 The University of Kordestan


      Code-switching and Code-mixing:   A Case Study of EFL Classrooms in Bukan       Rahman Veisi Hasar [1]   Mohammad Amouzadeh [2]       Received: 2011/07/05   Accepted: 2013/05/06       Abstract   This research aims to investigate the situational and metaphorical code-switching and code-mixing in the EFL classrooms in Bukan. The results show that we can discern a close relationship between mind, context and language by looking at the phenomena of code- switching and code-mixing in these classes. A systematic analysis of data reveals that code-switching and code-mixing occur according to a change in frames. The frame for a situational code switching is based on social contexts and obligations, while the frame for a metaphorical code switching triggers out of a topic change. It can be argued that there is a functional correspondence between a specific frame and a special code. A change in a specific frame will result into a change of its relevant code. Furthermore, the choice of a code is associated with a couple of factors triggered by context of situation and speaker’s intentions. The study also shows that a code switching designating issues such as solidarity, informality, emotive information and symbolic function relates to Kurdish code, whereas the indexical meaning such as low solidarity, formality, referential information and communicative function attributes to Persian code. Due to the theoretical apparatus of this paper, we can say that code mixing is triggered by simultaneous activation of different frames which results in simultaneous applications of different codes in a single sentence.     Keywords : Code switching, Code mixing, English classroom,   Persian language, Kurdish language     [1] PhD Linguistics; University of Isfahan.   [2] Associate Professor of Linguistics; Isfahan University.
