
1 Head of Department of English Language University of Zanjan

2 English Language University of Zanjan


    An Investigation of Non-Persian Learners ' Creativity and Ability in Recognizing Metaphors in Persian Language       Robab Khosravi [1]   Somayeh Piri [2]       Received: 2011/11/02   Accepted: 2014/07/09       Abstract   In the present study , the effect of non -Persian learners ' creativity in their ability to recognize some metaphorical (dead and new) and literal sentences has been investigated . For this purpose, twenty-two advanced -level learners from Language Learning Centre of Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU) took the Creativity Test and Persian Metaphor Recognition Test . The results of data analysis showed a significant association between creativity and the recognition of Persian metaphorical sentences . Although learners’ creativity is significantly related to their ability to recognize dead metaphors from literal sentences, it is more strongly related to their ability to recognize new metaphors from literal sentences .     Keywords : metaphor , creativity , metaphor recognition , dead metaphor , new metaphor , literal sentence   [1] Assistant Professor, English Literature, University of Zanjan,   [2] PhD Candidate, TEFL, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
