Document Type : Research



A Semantic Study of “xordan” based on The Basic Meaning of “accepting”
Fahimeh Nasib Zarraby[1]
Ali Izanloo[2]
Received: 2013/09/26
Accepted: 2014/06/22
This paper presents a semantic study of the verb “xordan” in Farsi, both as a main verb and a light verb, based on a corpus, containing one hundred and sixty (160) expressions of the verb. This corpus was gathered from Moeen, Sokhan, and Dehkhoda Dictionaries, and from the Persian weblogs and sites. After analyzing the data, it was revealed that a basic meaning is present in all the expressions of the verb, and relates its various meanings. This basic meaning of “accepting” can be divided into two categories; ingoing and outgoing. Each of these categories is further divided into subcategories which are fully discussed in the article. Finally, three reasons are suggested for the impossibility of semantic passives for some of the LVCs.
Keywords: compound verbs; light verbs; “xordan”; semantic passive; basic meaning

[1] MA Student, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,

[2] Assistant Professor , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,


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