Document Type : Research


فردوسی مشهد


To have a better understanding of Jihad lecture in Nahj- Al – Balagheh, this study has investigated it from a linguistic point of view based on the interpersonal metafuction of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar. All 100 clauses of the mentioned lecture have been first analyzed so that the mood structure was known from the residue. According to the specific definition of subject in this theory, the study showed that the validity of most of clauses in this lecture refer to the lecturer – Imam Ali. In some cases “Allah” is the subject and in some others the addressed society – The people of Koofa – carry the responsibility of the validity of messages in clauses by being taken as the subject. The study of the finite’s corresponding concepts (tense, polarity and modality) showed that there are both differences and similarities between English and Arabic with this respect. In this Arabic lecture, mood elements like æn(ان), ğæd(قد), læ(لـ) or combinations of these, are used to indicate certainty. Most clauses have a positive polarity but the mood element indicating the negative polarity as la(لا), læm(لم), læmma(لما) and ma(ما), were used in 13 cases. The investigating of modality as the central concept of mood structure showed a kind of certainty in the messages of this lecture transferred from a knowledgeable source - Imam Ali - , to an unknowledgeable addressee – the people of kofa-, by giving information through statements in which the speaker carries the commitment of the messages’ validity. Some other structures of modality like question, command and offer were also seen in this text. There were also some specific structures to show exclamation, warning, praying and damning, which played an important role in the meaning of the clause. Two possible evaluation types were also clear in some parts of this lecture, for example going to Jihad as been significantly good versus leaving it as being really bad.


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