Document Type : Research



Reza Pishghadam (corresponding author)
(Full professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
Paria Norouz Kermanshahi
(Ph.D. student in TEFL, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
Received: 2013/11/19
Accepted: 2013/12/29
Considering the salient role of language in shaping and changing of people’s religious and cultural beliefs, the current research is seeking to dissect and analyze the word –Haji- and its collocations (related words). To achieve this purpose, 300 contexts in which this label was used, were recorded in natural situations, transcribed, and later analyzed. Hymes’ model of SPEAKING was then applied, scrutinizing the aforementioned label. The functions of ‘Haji’ were divided into two groups of religious and non-religious, and also into psychological and social ones. Ultimately, the collocations of the labels were explored. The results of this study demonstrated that though ‘Haji’ was considered as a positive word in the past, it has undergone some metamorphosis and seems to change to a negative word. In the end, the probable causes of this change degradation and extension of meaning -such as media, society, different viewpoints of people - were examined and discussed in the context of Iran.
Key words:Labeling, Religion, Culture, Language, Haji, Haj Khanum


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