Document Type : Research


Mashhad Ferdowsi University


Linguistics is one of the most effective tools in stylistics analysis and the language used for it is indeed  one aspect of the distinction between literary theories. This is the fundamental hypothesis of this paper. This research, with acomparative perspective, reviews the use of language in Realism and Surrealism Theories, and by studying two famous novels in the Persian language: Hedayat’s Boofe Koor and Daneshvar’s Suvashun, the distinction between them is expressed.This study is based on Geoffrey Leech's Cognitive Style Theory. Alinguistic analysis shows that, although common principles can be seen in the linguistic elements of all literary theories, the use and frequency of each of these elements such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, syntax and sentence structure, verbal figures and coherence or incoherence leads to significant differences between the language in various theories.


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