Document Type : Research


University of Tehran


A Glimpse of Orthography of Negative Particle «не» in Russian Adjectives in Comparison with its Equivalent Negative Prefixes in Persian
Hossein Gholami[1]
Rezvan Hassanzade[2]
Vigen Hassanzade[3]
Received: 2012/02/09
Accepted: 2012/09/30
Negation is one of the linguistic categories that exist in all languages and it has long been considered by different sciences including philosophy, logic, psychology and linguistics. Various researches have been so far devoted to this category of language. However, experience in teaching this subject at universities and higher education centers reveals that proper application of meaning and spelling of negative particle «не» with different parts of speech including noun, adjective, verb, and pronoun, is still one of the major and complex issues in Russian language.  It creates major difficulties on the way of learning the writing and correct spelling of Russian language for foreign language learners including Iranians. Orthography of negative particle «не» in Russian adjectives (considering its productivity with adjectives compared to other parts of speech), i.e. continuity or discontinuity of written negative particle with adjective bases, is so important that neglecting it could create a semantic difference in sentence context. Factors such as contrast and analogy in sentence context, adjective-dependent words, emphasizing negative trait expressed through adjectives, negation of positive trait expressed through adjectives, and comparative and superlative adjectives could significantly affect continuity or discontinuity of written negative particle «не» in Russian adjective structure. By providing numerous examples, the current study was conducted to analyze the nature of negation in Russian language in terms of application and orthography of negative prefix «не» in word formational structure of a word class, i.e. adjective, in Russian language compared to its equivalent «negative prefixes» in Persian.
Keywords: negation, negative particles, explicit negation, implicit negation, negative prefix «не», negative particle «не», orthography

[1]  Associate Professor ,Department of Teaching the Russian Language, University of Tehran,

[2]  PhD Candidate , Teaching the Russian Language, University of Tehran,

[3]  PhD Candidate , Teaching the Russian Language, University of Tehran,


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