Document Type : Research


Al-Zahra University


The Place of Grammar in Language Teaching from a Cultural Perspective
Nahide Kalashi [1]
Received: 2012/10/21
Accepted: 2013/05/11
Grammar is a set of rules for the application of speech elements and components, i.e. the rules for the application of words, phrases and sentences. The aim of this article is to find out the role and place of grammar and culture in language teaching and answer these questions: What is the relationship between language acquisition, culture and grammar? And, is grammar learning the necessary prerequisite for language acquisition? The respective hypotheses have been formed to answer these questions. One of the goals and an important part of language teaching are recognizing and clarifying the language system and appreciating the abilities and capabilities of its grammatical and syntactical systems. At certain stage(s) of second language learning, it is necessary for the learner to get familiar with grammatical structures of that language.  In addition, one of the purposes of second language teaching should be to teach learners the precise, understandable and applicable use of grammar.
Keywords: acquisition, non-native language, grammar, cultural, teaching


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