Document Type : Research



A Social  Semiotic  Analysis  of  One  Screenplay: The Glass Agency Maryam. Hosseini[1] Farhad. Sasani[2] Sara. Nazardonyavi[3]   Received: 2012/10/22 Accepted: 2013/11/17   Abstract People's speech shows their beliefs, values and views which run over their tongue unconsciously, in other words people say whatever they think. Using this property of language makes it possible for viewers to discover a film producer's ideology by dealing with the language of a film. In this research we have analyzed the scripts of the movie "The Glass Agency"  by Ebrahim Hatamikia. In this research we have used the ideational metafunction (of Systematic Functional Grammar of Halliday) and the polarity of self and the other -on the basis of the ideological square of Van Dijk - . After grouping the characters of the scripts, we found that in the script of "The Glass Agency", group one (the first character and his companion's) has emphasized the "foregrounding of the positive points of self" more than the other sides of the ideological square and has shown this emphasis by the use of the material process. But the opposite group has emphasized the "foregrounding of the negative points of the other" and it has made use of relational process for doing this.                                                                                Key words: social semiotics, ideational metafunction, ideological square, The Glass Agency                               
[1] . Professor, Alzahra University (department  of Persian literature), [2] . Associate Professor, Alzahra University (department  of linguistics) , [3] . MA, Alzahra University
