Document Type : Research



Some Dialectal Features in the Structure of Verbs of the Formative Period Texts   Gholamhosein Gholamhoseinzadeh[1] Hamed Noruzi[2] Received: 2012/11/18 Accepted: 2014/06/22 Abstract   As for its vast territory and long history, Iran has a wide number of dialects and linguistic varieties. These dialects that have long been common in Iran, have also affected some of the old Persian texts. Such impacts are more significant in pre-Mongol texts (The Formative Period) than texts from other periods of Persian. For instance, there are some features in the structure of verbs of the Formative Period which have certainly been transferred to the Persian from the available dialects. Some of these features, that have been examined in this paper include: the verb prefix “hāž/huž” and its varieties, the Tajik suffix “-gy”, use of a special type of auxiliary verb, the verb prefix “-bw”, non-standard use of the suffix “–īst” , analogical transitive structures and the spoken variety of the suffix “ –ān”. Most of these features are still seen in Iranian dialects in isolation.   Keywords: StandardPersian, dialect, verb structure, suffix, prefix.    
[1] . Associate Professor of Tarbiat Modares University. Email: [2] . Assistant Professor of University of Birjand. Email: (Corresponding Author)
