Document Type : Research



The Study of Some Vowel Forms of Persian in Kuhbanan and Khoramdasht Regions in Kerman Province   Abbas Ali Ahangar[1] Yadollah Parmoon[2] Hamed Mowlaei[3]     Received: 2013/02/07 Accepted: 2014/11/15     Abstract   This study intends to investigate the geographical distribution of some vowel forms of Kuhbanani dialect spoken in Kuhbanan and Khoramdasht regions in Kerman Province and to draw the linguistic atlases based on the differences of Kuhbanani dialect in these two regions. In this regard, the geographical distribution of some Middle Persian linguistic forms observed in Kuhbanani dialect in the regions under investigation is also shown. In order to determine the guide linguistic forms in thirty places in Kuhbanan and Khoramdasht regions, the free speech was provided from one or two uneducated upper fifty five (55) year old men and women speakers and also to determine the main forms, the free speech recording and interview were carried out. Afterwards, based on the forms identified, questionnaires in the form of lexical lists have been prepared and carried out in all the thirty places under study. Finally, based on the phonological data collected, the differences and similarities observed in the distribution of the relevant linguistic forms as well as some remnants of Middle Persian ones in Kuhbanani dialect have been shown through isoglosses on linguistic atlases. To this aim, GIS software has been used to specify the exact area of each linguistic form and to draw the linguistic Atlases and isoglosses. The research findings show that Kuhbanani dialect spoken in the regions under investigation has distinctive features which we can refer to processes such as vowel lengthening, retention of some Middle Persian vowels undertaking changes in Standard Persian. Similarly, vowel raising, vowel lowering, vowel fronting, vowel backing, monophthongization of diphthong vowels and diphthongization of monophthong vowels can be observed as well. The investigation of vowel forms and linguistic atlases indicate that linguistic items are extensively used in a similar way in these two regions; however, because of some differences in the linguistic behavior of Kuhbanan and Khoramdasht regions, the findings suggest two different accents, the reason of which is that Khoramdasht borders Yazd province and the Khoramdashti speakers in this region use the majority of linguistic items more similar to Yazdi dialect.   Keywords:  isogloss, vowel raising, vowel lowering, vowel fronting, vowel backing, monophthongization of vowels.    
[1]. Associate Professor, University of Sistan and Baluchestan; [2] Assistant Professor, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization; [3] MA, Linguistics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan (corresponding author);


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