Document Type : Research


alzahra university


Arabic is derivative, and this derivation, which examines the origin of a term, is one of the ways in which language is expanded and helps to expand their vocabulary and meaning. Of the derivation types in which, while preserving the order of the original letters (two letter), one of the triple letters is converted into terms like divergence or divergence (convergence), it is an actuality derived that relates to the semantic relations between the vocabulary. The study seeks to explore this linguistic phenomenon in the first and oldest Arabic-language dictionary, Al-Ain -al-Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi (d. 175), based on the expenditure of the letters. Khalil, after mentioning the two letter words and the termination of the three letter word, poses the general meaning of the word, and the semantic relation between the words that contain the derivation of the term, and which have used the words that refer to it as "methl, shabih, cuff, yodhareo." This collection was originated by many dictionaries in the following centuries. Subsequently, the verse of the "verses of the word" of Ahmad ibn Fars (d. 395), which is based on the principle and the words of the words, has been considered. The Persian has used the word "Abdul" in balancing and expressing the special meaning of the lexical words which are more derived. This book is written in the late years of the author's life and is the basis for the work of the cultivators.
The purpose of this article is to study the phenomenon of the emergence of Akbar in the two dictionaries, the expression of how influential the author of the book is on the subject of his coincidence and assessment, and to assess the views of the two authors in this regard. The methodology of the article is descriptive-statistical. In this method, statistics and results are obtained: 29% of al-Ain's words and 48% of the words are Moghaysis al-Laghata of Azteqagh Akbar, in which 122 words, 21% in two dictionaries, are common in this phenomenon. Subscription can confirm the influence of Ibn Fars from Sahib Al-Ain which plays the role of creating words and expanding Arabic meanings.
Key Words: The ways to extend Arabic language, Derivation, Akbar derivation, Al-Ain, Maqaeis Al-Loghah.


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