Document Type : Research


1 Semnan University

2 Tarbiat Modares University


Critical metaphor analysis is a perspective that aims to bring together perspectives from critical discourse analysis, corpus analysis, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. The fundamental functions of metaphor in discourse are foregrounding and backgrounding of ideologies, and representation and reproduction of ideologies in media which these functions were analyzed in newspapers. In this research, different approaches to critical metaphor analysis were introduced and then many instances of discourse metaphor from Resalat, Keyhan, Iran, Mardomsalari and Aftabe Yazd newspapers were analyzed based on Van Dijk’s critical discourse analysis approach and Cameron’s discourse metaphor approach. Research data represent that the fundamental functions of metaphor in discourse are foregrounding and backgrounding of ideologies, and representation and reproduction of ideologies in media and also research data analysis represents that ideological strategies of systemic metaphor in discourse include polarization, positive self- representation and negative other- representation, actor description, antagonism, example/illustration, evidentiality, national self-glorification, consensus, repetition, implication, explanation and lexicalization.
