Document Type : Research


1 PhD student of Linguistics, Azad University Qom Branch, Iran, Qom

2 Professor in Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran, Tehran

3 PhD in Linguistics, Freelance researcher, Iran, Tehran


Linguistics and related studies have had a significant role on human sciences such as translation. Translation as an inter-disciplinary course plays an important role in transferring information and establishing relationship among individuals and nations. We can say translation is a "conscious, planned activity, performed in a controlled manner and aims at establishing communication between different cultural environments" (as cited in Sidiropoulou, 2004, p. 1). Although today translation enjoys many other tools in investigating fields of studies but still linguistics and especially critical discourse analysis (CDA) as one of the branches of linguistics has had a significant role in related studies, such as ideology and power and their covert and overt influences on many disciplines such as translation. CDA finds traces and influence of power and ideology on language, discourse, texts and syntax (Hodge & Kress, 2004, p.134).
Today, ideology is considered highly important in a wide range of academic disciplines including cultural and scientific studies, communications, linguistics, pedagogical methods and translation studies. Ideology and its effect on translation have long become a research focus in the field of translation studies. If we advocate the theories on the relationship between translation and ideology, then we would witness many cultural clashes revealing the distance between the source text and the ideological encounters it creates in the translated text.


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