Document Type : Research


1 PhD candidate in Linguistics, Department of English Languages and Linguistics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Professor, Department of English Languages and Linguistics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

3 Associate professor, Department of English Languages and Linguistics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Considering the growing interest of non-Iranians in pursuing higher education in Iran, the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology statistics indicate this trend. In 1398, out of 129 nationalities, 40,000 foreign students were studying in Iran, requiring Persian language courses as a prerequisite for university entry. These courses focus on teaching scientific Persian in humanities, technology, engineering, and medical sciences. Evaluating the content of available resources and assessing their efficiency in achieving academic language proficiency is crucial.
One of the linguistic theories in the field of language teaching text analysis that has been welcomed by many researchers is the systematic Functional grammar. A review of the conducted researches well confirms that this command has been well-known not only in English, but also in other languages, including Persian, in introducing practical ideas. To be effective for standardizing educational content. From the framework of systematic Functional grammar, we chose the category of coherence for studying Persian texts with academic purposes. Coherence in this command has been proposed as a powerful tool for textualization and texture, as Sojudi (Sojudi, 2009) considers the observance of two features in writing the content of the text, which are 1- coherence and 2- features A structure in which the observance of each affects a better comprehension and reading. He believes that the most basic element in the formation and texture of a text is coherence. Coherence, along with other factors such as text structure and words are the determining factors in the quality of text comprehension. Also, the issue of coherence in the view of some scholars such as Ghazizadeh & Ghonsoli (Ghazizadeh & Ghonsoli, 2011) and Ahmadi and Mirzapour (Mirzapour & Ahmadi, 2011) due to the objectivity of this category in the text as one of the methods of communication between the text and its audience is considered.
Therefore, paying attention to the use of cohesive elements in Persian educational texts with academic goals by the authors and also emphasizing the correct and principled teaching of coherent elements of the text in advanced writing classes causes on the one hand the learner with how Get acquainted with the production and creation of a coherent scientific text and become proficient in writing this register  of texts, and on the other hand, provide better processing and comprehension in these register s of texts that seem to have semantic complexity due to their content. . According to the issues raised, the present study has two main objectives. First, by studying the volume of academic scientific texts in the field of social sciences, to achieve the pattern of application of textual coherence tools in books in this field, and the second goal is to represent and match the pattern extracted in Persian language teaching texts with academic goals in the same scientific. It is worth mentioning that in the discussion of teaching Persian language to non-Persian speakers, in recent years, as much as the content assessment and educational needs assessment of Persian language teaching resources for general purposes, Persian books with academic purposes have not been paid enough attention.
1-What are the characteristics of the pattern of application of cohesive elements in academic scientific texts in the field of social sciences?
2-To what extent do social science texts for foreign learners correspond to the pattern extracted from the same academic texts in terms of lexical and grammatical coherence elements?


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