Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor in Department of Russian language, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Department of Foreign languages, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran

3 AAssistant Professor in Department of Russian language, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


In the introductory course of the Russian language, the subject of spelling is one of the most important pillars for writing skills. Since Russian is a morphological language, morphological endings of names, adjectives, numbers, pronouns, etc., change according to their grammatical role in the sentence. Therefore, knowing the correct form of words is very important in spelling and sentence construction. Meanwhile, the occurrence of errors in the spelling of Russian words by Persian-speaking learners of Russian is obvious and inevitable. The present article examines and analyzes the spelling errors of 51 Persian-speaking Russian learners at the elementary level of Russian language in universities of Guilan, Isfahan and Gonbad. In this study, first the type of errors, frequency and causes of their occurrence were identified and then the correct form of errors was determined. The results showed that the highest frequency of spelling errors is related to the errors of the "vowel replacement process" and the errors of phonological processes, including the processes of "converting consonants", "deleting", and "homogeneity".


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