Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Teaching Persian to Non-Persian speakers, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


The expansion of Persian language teaching in various institutes and universities in Iran and the demand of Persian students outside Iran to participate in these courses for various reasons led the authorities to establish a method for measuring the proficiency level of Persian language learners. This resulted in the design of SAMFA and AMFA tests as the first Persian proficiency tests. To respond to the needs of one of the Persian language training centers, Al-Zahra University Persian Language Center designed a proficiency test called Aspa. This study examined the different dimensions and structure of this test and measured its reliability and validity. The research participants of this study were 41 learners, studying Persian language courses in Mashhad. After estimating its reliability using Cronbach’s alpha, 20 experts in the field of Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers were asked to examine the content validity of the test.


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