Document Type : Research


1 PhD Student in Arabic language and Literature, Tehran University, Iran.

2 Assistant professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Tehran University, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Tehran University, Iran.

4 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Tehran University, Iran


Learning a foreign language is a very complex process that depends on various elements such as student, teacher, teaching method, etc. Among these elements, however, the element of teaching method plays a decisive role in the state of education, and it influences the other elements as well.  Therefore, it is very important to use a practical and effective teaching method.
One of the methods that has been proposed in recent decades and has received much attention in foreign language teaching is the task-based teaching approach. This approach, as a new approach that stems from the communicative approach in language teaching, is based on tasks/ a task. In defining a task, Ellis (Ellis. 2004. P.9-10) refers to a set of essential features and believes that; a task is a workplan (1); the main focus is on meaning; has real processes in the use of language; can include any of the four language skills; involves cognitive processes; and it has a very clear communicative result.
Therefore, it can be said that the main purpose of this teaching method is to increase language learners’ communicative ability through tasks that are based on meaning and reality. This method teaches language in three stages of pre-task, during task and post-task


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