Document Type : Research


1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Lnaguage and literature, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran

2 Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Lnaguage and literature, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of English and Linguistics, University of Kurdistan, Faculty of Lnaguage and literature, Kurdistan, Iran


In novels, fictional life is intertwined with social realities, power dynamics, and ideologies, which authors represent through language. Understanding the intellectual and ideological tendencies of these writers has led to a growing interest among researchers and literary critics, necessitating the use of text analysis methods. Critical discourse analysis, as an efficient method, has addressed this necessity. This study employs Fairclough's approach to examine the discursive functions in Abbas Maroufi's novel "The Year of Turmoil," which explores aspects of Iran's contemporary history.
There is a wealth of literature on critical discourse analysis of novels using Norman Fairclough's approach. For example, Bahrami & Arian (2020) conducted a critical discourse analysis of "The Fish Sleep at Night" by Sudabah Ashrafi, highlighting the novel's critique of patriarchy and the suppression of women. Another study by Zaree et al. (2020) applied Fairclough's theory to analyze the Arabic novel "Al-Harb Fi Barr-I Misr" by Yusuf al-Qaid, emphasizing the author's use of contrasts and oppositions in meaning. These studies demonstrate the widespread recognition of critical discourse analysis as an interdisciplinary approach to analyzing texts from a social and political perspective.


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