Document Type : Research


1 Guilan University

2 Gilan University


Reduplication is a morphological process in which all or part of a word is repeated for morphological purposes. Reduplication has two main types in most languages: total reduplication and partial reduplication. The present study tries to describe this process, classify different types and patterns of partial reduplication, and explore its semantic functions in Tati language within the framework of Morphological Doubling Theory (Inkelas & Zoll, 2005). The data of this research, which consist of 40 reduplication constructions in Tati, have been collected from written texts and the first author’s language intuition. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical. The followings are the most important findings of this study: there are three types of partial reduplication in Tati: prefixed partial, suffixed partial and echo reduplication and these types have their own subcategories and patterns. The semantic functions of reduplication in Tati ranges from clear meanings to iconic and idiomatic meanings that express concepts similar to the base, continuation, emphasis and increase in the intensity of the base.


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