False Friends in Zanjani Turkish and Istanbul Turkish

Document Type : Research


1 M.A. in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan. Rasht. Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan. Rasht. Iran


The topic of false friends is as old as languages themselves. The term false friends (or faux amis, in French) first appeared in the 20th century, coined by French linguists Koessler and Derocquigny in their seminal work on the topic (1928). From a synchronic perspective, false friends refer to two words that are similar or equivalent (graphically and/or phonetically) in two or more languages but have different meanings. False friends can be divided into two groups: total false friends are similar or equivalent on a graphic or phonetic level in two or more languages but differ completely in their meanings, while partial false friends share some meanings, but not others, depending on the context.
False friends have long been considered problematic in L2 learning. They often cause problems in translation and communication and have led to diplomatic incidents. A diachronic study of different false friends across languages suggests that many of these words are etymologically related and share a common origin. In fact, many false friends ste from the same origin; i.e., they are cognates. The meaning differences false friends may have rised as a result of diverging evolutionary paths. The changes occurring in the words due to historical, geographical, and political conditions between the Turkish dialects have led to a lack of communication among Turkish societies and Turkish tribes have become unable to understand each other.
The Zanjani and Turkey dialects of Turkish, despite having common features, differ in some respects. One such difference lies in the false friends, which can display varying semantic, pragmatic, and sociolinguistic properties in translation and communication between the dialects. This study focuses on the false friends present in Zanjani and Istanbul Turkish, estimating the significant differences in their frequency across lexical categories (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs).
The main questions of this study are as follow:

What are the types of false friends in Istanbuli Turkish and Zanjani Turkish?
Is there a significant difference between the lexical categories in terms of false friends in Istanbuli Turkish and Zanjani Turkish?
How can the similarities and differences of the number of false friends across lexical categories be explained?


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