Document Type : Research


1 Linguistics. Faculty of Foriegn Languages. Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan.

2 , Assistant professor in English Literature, English Language Department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan.

3 Assistant professor in English Literature, English Language Department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan.


Stylistics is a branch of applied linguistics which makes connection between linguistics and literature as like as a bridge. This fact shows that studying literary text is not only limited to literature. Generally, The Analysis of literary texts is based on two methods. The First method which is used by literary experts is mainly based on traditional and modern literary criticism as well as determining the type of literary text. The second method, which is based on objectivism and the use of demonstrability methods using the foundations of other disciplines, is applied in linguistics. Different linguistic approaches such as formalism, structuralism and cognitive linguistics could be the framework of literary analysis. Among them, functional Linguistics is one of the most efficient linguistic approaches in stylistics due to the importance of context. Functional theories of language consider language fundamentally as a tool. In this case, it is reasonable to assume that language structure could be analyzed with reference to the functions they carry out better. There are different approaches in functional linguistic schools; one of the most famous one is Systemic functional linguistics (SFL).
The main goal of the present study was determining of Sadegh Chubak, an Iranian author, and Jack London, the American Author, tendencies to naturalism school. . This study applies an objective approach which is based on systemic functional grammar for testing this claim. At last, the statistical results of two mentioned short stories affirm the tendency of Chubak and London to naturalism.


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