Document Type : Research


Department of Teaching Persian Language to Non Iranian Students- Persian Language Centre- Imam Khomeini International University- Qazvin- Iran


The present study has determined the degree and importance of the indicators of the component of literary instances with cultural characteristics in teaching the Persian language to non-Persian speakers through literary texts at both intermediate and advanced levels using a survey method. For this purpose, a researcher-made questionnaire containing 9 items of literary examples with cultural characteristics was first prepared and then, non-randomly accessible and purposeful, given to 94 Iranian teachers with teaching experience in the field of teaching the Persian language and literature to non-Persian speakers. Achieved data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software and one-way chi-square and Friedman tests. In terms of importance to the items, the results show that the sample population has paid more attention to criteria such as the appropriateness of selected texts with the general objectives of teaching the Persian language to non-Persian language speakers, lack of representation of cultural polyphony, lack of context-dependence or dependence on social, intellectual, philosophical, mystical, theological context, more attachment to examples of public culture than what is called glorious culture, the ability to adapt items to the level of language proficiency of Persian language learners, methods, approaches and strategies for teaching language skills, and universality, the ability to be understood by all and activate the previous knowledge of Persian language learners.


Main Subjects