Document Type : Research


1 PhD student at University of Tehran

2 University of Tehran, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Department of Linguistics

3 Imam Khomeini International University


This paper offers an approach to lexemes instruction through studying lexical errors extracted from 200 compositions written by Arabic-speaking students learning in Persian within the framework of Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis. 100 students studied in a local environment (Iran), while another 100 studied in a non-local environment (Lebanon). There were 927 errors found in the compositions. Llach’s taxonomy of lexical errors was adopted in this study, covering formal and semantic lexical errors that emerge from inter-language and intra-language sources. The results of the analysis processed through SPSS show that intra-language errors were the most committed by the students, with 90.5% of the compositions containing errors. The two types of errors that prevailed among the students were formal confusion and semantic confusion, with 72% and 50.5% of compositions containing errors respectively. Also, the study shows that there is a statistically significant relationship between inter-language errors (L1 interference) and the non-local environment (Lebanon). This implies that the moderate version of CA proves to be true, since minimally distinct patterns in form or meaning in one or more systems prove to be troublesome to the learners. The data in this study will serve as a guideline for researchers to writing down a dictionary of lexical errors, similar to the Longman Dictionary of Common Errors. Such a dictionary will serve as a practical guide to lexical errors and their correction and a helpful tool for Arabic-speaking students learning Persian language.


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