Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University ,Tabriz, Iran.

2 MA Graduated of Arabic Language Translation, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.


Critical discourse analysis (CDA) explores language as a social function in reproducing power and discovering ideology. Speech act theory is among the theories that has played a role in developing and flourishing CDA. Andrew Goatly, a CDA theorist, says that the main importance of speech act theory is in exploring the abstract concepts of language regarding social realities and actors’ hidden ideologies. Goatly emphasizes the social and cognitive aspects of ideology and its manifestation in discourse. Communication components as well as metaphorical and ironic statements play important roles in manifesting actors’ hidden ideologies. Goatly’s communication components are differentiating, multimodal evaluating issues that can be used to show behavioral and verbal ideologies through exploring the internal connections between metaphorical and ironic elements of linguistic expressions as well as emotional and cognitive terms. This study explored the communication components in metaphorical and ironic discourses of Shahad Al-Rawi’s (2018) novel The Baghdad Clock. Exploring the components in the metaphorical and ironic discourses of the novel showed that the narrator had paid attention to the importance of linguistic issue and socio-cultural and political conditions of his own time and has used ironies and metaphors to make communication and show the real conditions. He has clearly presented actors’ hidden behavioral and verbal ideologies in the then current discourse.


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