Document Type : Research


1 Phd student of persian literature, department of literature and foreign languages, arak university, arak, iran

2 Department of persian literature, faculity of literature and foreign languages, arak university,arak,iran

3 Department of persian literature, faculity of Literature and foreign languages, Arak University. arak.iran



The theory of speech acts deals with the relationship between words and meanings intended by the speaker. The most basic view of this theory is that speaking is not a communication factor because it is the production of words; Rather, the complete linguistic communication is realized if the action or the Illocutionary act occur according to certain conditions. This article, by applying the principles and foundations of the mentioned theory, rereads the story of "that reservoir and the fishermen and those three fishes" in the fourth book of Mathnavi Ma’navi, and analyzes the use of the direct actions of the three fishes and their ratio with the amount of use of rational standards, and the persuasive action has been found to be the most frequent action of intellectuals. In this research, considering the situational context of the story, in addition to analyzing the type of thematic speech acts in the words of the characters as micro-speech fragments, the process of Mawlana's actions was also examined in the form of macro-speech fragments, and the relationship between the arrangement of different parts of the story, including characters and speechs, with the formation of macro speech acts and meanings intended by Mawlana were determined.


Main Subjects