
1 linguistics department, SAMT Research Institute

2 Azad University


Considering word-formation processes introduced by Bauer (1983) as its main theoretical core, this study investigates word-formation processes in some political text of newspapers in 1340s & 1370s AP and compares these processes in these two decades. This study is an analytical descriptive research using both Statistic-Descriptive (tables and diagrams) and inferential (chi-square test) methods. Empirical investigations and evidence suggest that there is no significant difference between frequency distribution of borrowing, loan translation, clipping, conversion, and reduplication processes in political genre of press in two aforesaid decades. However, there is a significant difference between frequency distribution of compounding, derivation, compounding derivation, and acronym processes in 1340s and 1370s AP. Since Bauer has only considered word-formation processes in English and there are some processes in Persian language which may not be included in this framework, and Persian press is the corpus of this study, therefore word formation processes in Persian language is regarded in the present research.
