نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 عضو هیات علمی پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی

2 دانشجوی دکتری زبان شناسی، پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی


یکی از مفاهیم اصلی در رویکرد زبان‌شناسی شناختی، این است که هر واحد زبانی شبکه‌ای از معانی است. لانگاکر (Langacker, 1991) معتقد است که «تکواژ، مقولات، و ساخت‌های دستوری همگی صورتی از واحدهای نمادین دارند»، از این نظر ‌وندها نیز معنای خاص خود را دارند که آن معنا را به پایة میزبان می‌افزایند و در نهایت معنای مشتق شکل می‌گیرد. یک پیش­وند، همانند مقولات واژگانی، مقوله‌ای را تشکیل می‌دهد که همة معانی خود را که حول یک معنای مرکزی گرد آمده‌اند، رده‌بندی می‌کند. بنابراین می‌توان گفت مشتقات پیش­وند «پیش-» نیز مقوله‌ای چندمعنا با یک ساخت درونی نظامند است. در این پژوهش برای تحلیل معناشناختی این پیش­وند، معانی مشتقات آن را از منظر شناختی به دست آوردیم و در نهایت با مشخص کردن شبکۀ شعاعی این وند، دو خوشۀ معنایی مرکزی تعیین شد که دیگر معانی از این دو گرة معنایی منتج می‌شوند: ترتیب زمانی، ترتیب مکانی. از بین این دو معنی، یکی به­عنوان معنای اصلی وند مذکور است. برای تشخیص این معنای اصلی از معیارهایی که تایلر و ایوانز (2003) پیشنهاد کرده‌اند، بهره گرفته شد و مشخص شد که مفهوم مکانی این وندِ چندمعنا، به­عنوان معنای اولیه می‌باشد که دیگر معانی حول این معنای مرکزی قرار می‌گیرند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Semantic analysis of pish0 prefix in Persian Language: cognitive linguistics approach

نویسندگان [English]

  • Azita Afrashi 1
  • Fatemeh Koushki 2

1 Faculty Member of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 PhD student in Linguistics, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

چکیده [English]

One of the concepts in cognitive linguistics approach is that each linguistic unit is a network of meanings. Langacker (1991: 16) believes that "morpheme, categories, and grammatical structures, all are a form of symbolic units". In this respect, affixes also have specific meanings which are added to bases and at last a derivation is created. An affix as a lexical entity forms a category whose meanings is collected around a core meaning. Therefore, we can say that derivations of 'pish-' prefix also have several meanings with an organized internal structure. In this article, to analyze this affix, its derivations are studied through a cognitive linguistic perspective, its different meanings are unraveled and finally by determining radial network of this affix, two meaning cluster were determined from which other meanings stemmed: temporal order and spatial order. One of these meanings, spatial meaning is selected as the core meaning and for doing it we used two factors proposed by Evans and Tyler (2003). Then spatial meaning of this polysemy affix was primary meaning around which other meanings are posited.
To answer the question of whether there are many meanings for pish- affix and, if so, how these meanings are related to each other; it can be argued that from cognitive linguistic perspective and based on our data analysis, it was discovered that pish- affix is a linguistic expression that has a multidimentional feature. By reviewing 63 derivatives from affixation of this prefix to different grammatical categories, two meanings were obtained, each of which had different conceptual meanings. From these semantic clusters, the spatial sense was introduced as the initial meaning according to Evans and Tyler's (2003) criteria: the historical evidence and the incidence frequency in the scattered network, with other meanings surrounding this central meaning. It is necessary to explain that at first glance it seems that the meaning of "forward direction" is a separate meaning, but since motion occurs in the space, henceforth this concept is also in the section of priority of the place. In addition, in some cases, such as "pish-shomare (pre-code)" with The close conflict was the concept of space and time, in which case, given the fact that conceptual time is abstract and occurring in the concept of space, so it is not so easy to distinguish spatial and temporal priority in such derivatives.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • cognitive linguistics
  • pre- prefix
  • polysemy
  • radial network
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