نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دپارتمان زبان شناسی، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران


ترکیب، یکی از پرکاربردترین فرایندهای واژه­ سازی، برای بیان مفاهیم جدید در زبان­های دنیا است. هر چند بررسی این پدیدۀ ساخت‌واژی در حوزه­های گوناگون زبان­شناسی انجام شده­ است، اما در حوزۀ رده ­شناسی زبان، این مسأله چندان مورد توجه قرار نگرفته ­است. از این رو، هدفِ مقالة حاضر، بررسی رده ­شناختی نحوی و معنایی واژه ­های مرکب درون­ مرکز و برون­ مرکز در داستان‌های کودک و نوجوانِ دو گروه سنی کودک و نوجوان است. در این راستا، گروه کودکان، مشتمل بر گروه­های الف (پیش دبستانی)، ب (سال­های اول، دوم و سوم دبستان) و ج (سال­های چهارم و پنجم دبستان)) بوده و گروه نوجوانان، گرو­های د (سال­های راهنمایی) و ه (سال­های دبیرستان)) را شامل شده ­است. همچنین، 315 داستان، به روش دسترسی آسان انتخاب شدند. برای تحلیل واژه­ های مرکب از نظر معنایی، از چارچوب پیشنهادی شقاقی (Shaghaghi, 2007) که با زبان فارسی مناسبت دارد، استفاده شد. پس از تعیین فراوانی و درصد فراوانی واژه ­های مرکب از نظر مقولة نحوی و معنایی (برون­ مرکز و درون­ مرکز بودن)، داستان­های گروه­های­ کودک و نوجوان با یک­دیگر مقایسه شدند تا الگوی سرنمون نحوی و معنایی آن­­ها مشخص گردد. یافته­های پژوهش نشان داد که به لحاظ مقولة نحوی، اجزای سازندة واژه‌های مرکب، الگوی سرنمون نحوی در داستان­های دو گروه کودک و نوجوان به صورت صفت + فعل < صفت + اسم < اسم + اسم است. همچنین، واژه ­های مرکب درون­ مرکز در گروه کودک و نوجوان به ترتیب با 5/70% و 52%  به طور معناداری از بسامد بالاتری نسبت به واژه­ های برون­ مرکز در هر دو گروه برخوردار بوده و الگوی سرنمون معنایی به این صورت است: واژه ­های مرکب برو ­مرکز < واژه­های مرکب درون­مرکز. یافته­ های پژوهش حاضر می­تواند به نویسنده ­های فارسی زبان در نحوۀ نگارش داستان با توجه به رشد شناختی کودک بسیار کمک نماید.  


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Syntactic and Semantic typological study of endocentric and exocentric compound nouns in Iranian children and adolescents stories

نویسنده [English]

  • Sarah Yazdani

Linguistics department, Faculty of letter and humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

چکیده [English]

1- Introduction
Compounding is one of the most common and useful methods for creating new words. Investigating compound formation is a continuing concern within the field of morphology. Recent developments in the field of linguistics have led to the renewed interest in this phenomenon from different aspects such as semantics perspectives, cognitive linguistics, morphology, acoustic phononetics, neurolinguistics and sociolinguistics.
     However, far too little attention has been paid to compounding in the field of typology. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the endocentric and exocentric compound nouns in different age groups of children and adolescent stories. This research tried to answer the following questions: (1) what would be the probable syntactic prototype pattern(s) for the endocentric and exocentric compound nouns? (2) what would be the probable semantic prototype pattern(s) for the endocentric and exocentric compound nouns?, and (3) how could the difference in the ratio of their frequencies be explained?
2- Theoretical framework
There are various theoretical frameworks for categorizing endocentric and exocentric compound nouns, including Spencer, 1991; Fabb, 1998; Olsen, 2001; Bauer, 2001; Haspelmath, 2002; Booij, 2005; Bisetto and Scalise, 2005. Nonetheless, endocentricity and exocentricity deal with syntactic and semantic aspects of the language; therefore, to investigate the two aforementioned types of compound nouns, Shaghaghi’s framework (2008) was used. Regarding the semantic relation between the constituents, compound nous are classified as: (1) endocentric compound: it consists of two words in which one of them functions as the head, such as steamboat (the head is ), blackboard (the head is ), and (2) exocentric compound: it is a compound construction that lacks a head word: that is, the construction as a whole is not semantically equivalent to either of its parts. So the central meaning isn't carried by the head, but is external to the compound; examples include: paleface, pickpocket.
3- Methodology
Based on the purpose of the present study, 315 stories have been selected using convenience sampling. The stories were allocated to different age groups: group A (pre-school & primary school children) and group B (middle school and high school adolescents). To investigate the two aforementioned types of compound nouns, Shaghaghi’s framework (2008) was used. After calculating the frequency of compound nouns in stories, the two groups were compared with each other in order to reach the decision about the probable prototype pattern for endocentricity and exocentricity of Persian compound nouns.
4- Results and discussion
Regarding the first question of this research, the syntactic prototype patterns for endocentric and exocentric compound nouns in both groups are: N+N > N+Adj> V+ Adj. The second question addressed the issue of extracting the semantic prototype pattern of compound nouns. The results demonstrated that the most frequent type of compound in both groups was endocentric compound: group A 70.5 % and group B 52%. So, endocentric compound nouns> exocentric compound nouns. Furthermore, the results also showed that the usages of exocentric compound nouns were higher in the second group in comparison to the first group. So it seems that social and cognitive development plays a key role in using exocentric compounds. In other words, cognitive development in adolescents and their attention to details, help them to understand and process exocentric compound nouns faster and easier.
5- Conclusion and suggestions
The study raises questions that would require further investigation. Future research can include a kind of diachronic study; i.e. studying the described prototype patterns in past and present prose texts. The findings of the present study might be a contributing factor for Iranian authors to narrate their story according to language development in childern and the level of cognition.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Hierarchy
  • compound nouns
  • endocentric and exocentric
  • children and adolescents stories
  • typology
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