نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، هیأت علمی دانشگاه شیراز

2 دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیات عربی، گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه شیراز


در زبان عربیِ معاصر، اسلوب­های تعجبِ سماعی، در مقایسه با اسلوب­های قیاسی آن پرکاربردتر و متنوع­ تر است. هر چند، این اسلوب‌های تعجبِ سماعی، هنوز هم همانند قدیم کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته‌اند. پژوهشگران به این مسئله که ساختارهای  تعجبِ سماعی نیز خود می­توانند از ساخت­های ویژه‌ای پیروی کنند، نپرداخته‌اند. همین امر به همراه کاربرد متنوع این نوع جمله­ ها در زبان عربی و معادل­ یابی آن­ها در زبان فارسی، بیانگر اهمیت پژوهش حاضر است. این مقاله به دسته ­بندی 460 جملة تعجبی در دو کتاب «الشمس فی یوم غائم» و «زهرة العمر» که اولی به زبان گفتار و دومی به زبان نوشتار نزدیک­تر است، پرداخته‌است. در این راستا، پژوهش حاضر بر آن است ابتدا جمله ­های تعجبی سماعی را بر پایة تقابل میانِ زبان فارسی و عربی توصیف کند. سپس معادل ­یابی، ساخت و کاربرد جمله ­های تعجبی سماعی در زبان گفتار و نوشتار مورد ارزیابی قرار گیرد تا تفاوت­ها و شباهت­های موجود میان جمله­ های تعجبی سماعی در فارسی و عربی نمایان شود.یافته‌های پژوهش نشان می­دهد که در زبان گفتار، سبک و آهنگ در تشخیص ساختار جمله‌های موردِ اشاره مهمترین نقش را بر عهده دارند. همچنین، تمنی، قسم و گاه ضرب‌المثل­ها و اصطلاح‌های عامیانه، تکیه و تأکید بسیار مورد استفاده قرار می­گیرند. در زبان نوشتار نیز ساخت­های تأکیدی نقش پررنگ­تری داشته و جمله‌ها با تنوع بیشتری می­آیند. در این میان، جمله ­های نمایانندة مقدار و مقایسه، اسلوب­های منفی، اسلوب­های تأکیدی که گاهی در قالب جمله‌های خبری منفی مانند اسالیب حصر، استثنا، تقابل و تباین می­آیند، بسیار اهمیت دارند. در معادل­ یابی - به­ ویژه در زبان گفتار- حرف «که» نقش مؤثری دارد. به نظر می­رسد در زبان نوشتار عربی بیشتر این جمله‌های با ژرف‌ساخت به ­کار می­روند و در زبان فارسی اغلب با روساخت معادل­ یابی می­شوند. همچنین، این پدیده در زبان گفتار بیشتر به چشم می­خورد. 


عنوان مقاله [English]

Making Auricular Wondering in the Arabic Speaking and Writing Languages ccording to its Equivalent Finding (Based on the books “Al-Shams Phi Yaum Ghaem” and “Zahrat al-Omr”)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Eshagh Rahmani 1
  • Lila Raisi 2

1 Associate Professor at Arabic Language and Literature Department, Shiraz University

2 PhD Student at Arabic Language and Literature Department, Shiraz University

چکیده [English]

In contemporary Arabic language, the auricular exclamatory styles are more widely used and diversecompared to the deductive styles but still less attention has been paid to them; and the researchers are unaware that this type of structures can follow the determined structures. This matter along with the diverse use of this type of sentences in Arabic language and its equivalent finding in Persian language are the reasons for the importance of the present study.
Moreover, it seems that there are similarities and differences between the structure of these sentences as well as their equivalence in the language of speech and writing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify and introduce the structure of these sentences in order to find an appropriate answer to this question: what is the difference between the exclamatory styles in the Arabic syntax and what is found in the language of stories and dramas closer to the language of speech. Another question is that: what differences are in the styles used in the writing language for this structure? Reviewing the written grammar books in accordance with the old syntax, shows the attention to the pronunciation and the ignorance of the meaning of words. Of course, new studies have been targeted on semantic implications and the production of meaning. By taking advantage of linguistic achievements in syntax and rhetoric, they have tried to consider sentences and to investigate the vocabulary in the combinations of sentence and/or the style of the text. Therefore, based on Jorjanii, they have expanded the context of studying to the syntax to insert the stylish and structural meaning into that. Based on these studies, it can be concluded that, in contemporary Arabic language, the auricular styles are more applicable in comparison to the deductive styles; and a special order can be considered for them in such a way that using the auricular word to refer to them is not appropriate.
Old rhetoric in Arabic language also has used “exclamation” as secondary meanings of sentences in numerous lexical compounds which are beyond the syntactic principle. Although this a partial study. According to them, “exclamatory” is a rhetorical concept arising from the order of the compounds, certain terms and specific expressions. Today, scholars interested rhetoric into the framework of the text style and by using the linguistic achievements have investigated this structure in the inspirational and declarative sentences. After conducting these studies, we investigated the matter that emotional sentences, and especially exclamatory sentences, are widely used in both speaking and writing languages.
Accordingly, this study is based on the classification of 460 exclamatory sentences in two books including “Al-Shams Phi Yaum Ghaem”  –that is closed to the speech language– and “Zahrat al-Omr”  –that is based on the written language. The purpose of this study is to describe auricular exclamatory sentences and then to investigate the contrast between the Persian language and Arabic language. Moreover, to find equivalents, create and use them in the speaking and writing of the languages to be investigated; so that the similarities and differences of them can be found.
The spoken language is closer to the affection, and based on its style, it is necessary to be used in shorter length, with more feelings, emotions, emphasis and exclamation in comparison with the written language. Their combined meaning can be detected only if the word and/or the phrases to are inserted in the particular style of the text. We thought the variety of these sentences in the speaking language is more, but a review on the selected 190 sentences suggested that this is not true. The results show that the harmony and style play the most important roles in recognizing the structure of the spoken language. Wishing, swearing, relying, emphasizing, using proverbs and slangs are used a lot. In finding equivalents  –especially in the spoken language– the word “that” plays an important role. It seems that in the written Arabic language, most of these sentences are used with profound making; and in the Persian language often the equivalents are found by superficial making. This matter is seen more in the speaking language.  
In the review of the written language, 270 sentences were also examined. The important issue in this regard is the role of affirmation words and styles in the emotional sentences allocating most statistics to themselves. In the written language, the emphasis made sentences have a more significant role; and more diversity is seen in them. In the meantime, the sentences implicating quantity as well as comparison, negative and emphasizing styles that sometimes are seen in the format of negative declarative sentences such as exclusive, exception, contrast and inconsistency styles are important as well.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Auricular wondering
  • Arabic
  • Persian
  • Wondering in speaking and writing
  • Equivalent finding
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